Driving a Distance

Controlling your speed

In addition to setting the effort of the drivetrain’s motors, we can also set their speed. Remember, effort is not the same as speed. We can also ask the XRP’s motors to go a certain speed. When using this function, the XRP will actively measure the speed of the wheels using the motor’s encoder. If the speed falls too low, the motor will automatically increase the effort it applies to speed back up.


Don’t worry if you’ve never heard of an encoder. We’ll talk more about them later in the lesson.

To set the speed of the drivetrain motors, we use a new function:

from XRPLib.defaults import *

drivetrain.set_speed(5, 5)

This tells the drivetrain to set the speed of each drivetrain wheel to travel at 5 centimeters per second. This means if you put the robot down and let both motors drive at this speed, the robot would move 5 centimeters forwards each second.

Try it out

Add the code to your program and run it. Try the same exercise of pushing something up against the wheels of your XRP. Notice how as you add resistance, the motor will increase its effort to keep the speed constant. When you remove the resistance, the effort will go back down.

Since both wheels are now going the same speed, your robot should now also drive straight, unlike when using the set_effort function.


If you want the robot to go backwards, use a negative speed value just like you did with the effort value.

Driving a distance

We know that we can ask the wheels to spin at a certain speed using a function, but what if we want to make the robot drive a certain distance?

We could ask the robot to move at some speed, and if we know how far it will move each second (for this example we are using a speed of 5 cm/s), we can calculate how many seconds we should drive for to reach that distance.

Let’s use \(d\) to represent the distance we want to drive in cm. But, we want a number in seconds, so we need to convert by the means of dimensional analysis.

To do this, write an expression for the known value with units included:

\[(d \text{ cm})\]

Dimensional analysis involves multiplying this expression by special representations of “1” to convert units. In this case, our speed is 5 cm per second, so we can equate \(5 \text{ cm} = 1 \text{ second}\). Rearranging, we have our special representation of 1:

\[\frac{1 \text{ second}}{5 \text{ cm}} = 1\]

We can now multiply our expression with this special representation of 1:

\[(d \text{ cm}) \cdot \frac{1 \text{ second}}{5 \text{ cm}}\]

Cancelling out units and simplifying, we obtain:

\[(d \cancel{\text{ cm}}) \cdot \frac{1 \text{ second}}{5 \cancel{\text{ cm}}} = \frac{d}{5} \text{ seconds}\]

This resultant expression makes sense! If we want to go 5 cm, we plug in d = 5, and \(\frac{5}{5} = 1\), so we drive for one second. If we want to go 2.5 cm, we plug in d = 2.5, and \(\frac{2.5}{5} = 0.5\), so we drive for half a second.

Keep in mind that this equation is only valid if the robot is moving at 5 cm per second. If you change that speed to be faster or slower, you’ll need to change the denominator of the fraction to that speed to fix the equation.

Try it out

Calculate how many seconds you need to drive for to go one meter if your robot is moving at 5 cm per second. Remember, there are 100 cm in a meter.

To put the above theory into practice, we need to learn about a new function in Python: sleep, which makes the XRP wait for some number of seconds before continuing to the next instruction in the code.

from XRPLib.defaults import *
from time import sleep # We need to import the speed function to use it.

drivetrain.set_speed(5, 5)
sleep(x) # replace x with the time you calculated to go one meter.
drivetrain.stop() # This is another function which makes it easy to stop the robot


The # symbol in Python creates a comment. If you add one to a line of code, anything that comes after it on that line will be ignored by the robot. You can use it to leave notes for yourself, or to quickly disable a line of code while debugging problems.

We use comments in our examples to give you hints about how to write your code. You don’t need to copy our comments into your code, but you should write your own so that you can easily remember what your code does.

Try it out

Add the code to your program and try it out. Remember to replace x with the value you calculated. Try running your robot next to a meter stick to see how accurately your robot drives!

This code you wrote is pretty useful, but what if you wanted to drive other distances?

Let’s say that we want to drive three distances in a row: 25, 50, and 75 cm. How could we program the robot to do this? The easy solution is to copy and paste the code you wrote before three times, and modify it each time:

from XRPLib.defaults import *
from time import sleep

# Drive 25 cm
drivetrain.set_speed(5, 5)
sleep(25 / 5) # Notice how we can write math directly in our program!

# Drive 50 cm
drivetrain.set_speed(5, 5)
sleep(50 / 5)

# Drive 75 cm
drivetrain.set_speed(5, 5)
sleep(75 / 5)

This looks pretty repetitive. Most of this code is exactly the same. In fact, the only change between each block is the parameter we are passing to the sleep function. This is a perfect example of why we have functions. Let’s write our own function to drive the robot a certain distance.

Python uses the keyword def to let you, the programmer, tell it that you would like to define a new function. A full function definition looks like this:

def function_name(parameter1, parameter2, parameter3):
    # put your code here
    # code in your function can use the parameters by name like this:
    print(parameter1 / 5)

In this example function, there are three parameters. Functions can have as many or as few parameters as you want, or even have no parameters at all.

In Blockly, you create functions by dragging a block that looks like the picture below. The interface allows you to specify the function name, and pass parameters to the function body. Here, we have a function called some_task (which you should rename based on what your function does) that takes in a parameter called text, and uses prints the text value. Functions can have as many or as few parameters as you want, or even have no parameters at all.


The below blocks calls the function we defined above to run it. The value “Hello” is passed to the text parameter, which results in “Hello” being printed to the console.


Try it out

Define a function called drive_distance that takes in one parameter: distance_to_drive. Use the parameter in your function as the numerator of your fraction.

Use your function to make the robot drive 3 distances in a row.


Define your functions towards the top of your file, underneath the import statements. This way, code later in the file will be able to use them.